Monday, March 23, 2015

My First Experience!

I was very excited to attend and teach at this year's retreat. I was blown away by the grace and beauty of the entire experience. The Rock Springs Camp is a gem of the prairie. I felt like a kid myself, and couldn't wait to explore the next trail, or find the next hidden landmark, or fire pit.

I could not have been more impressed with the attitude and behavior of the kids that attended. They were all there to learn, create and have fun. So often teenagers are betrayed as unruly, vagrants. This could not have been further from reality. I was proud and inspired by all of them.

A special thanks to Mary and the other instructors for including me in this incredible experience. What a way to bring winter to a close, and usher in the spring of 2015.

Here are some pictures and a silly video. . .

Just around dusk of our first day we came across this group of cabins while exploring the grounds. It seemed to me like the perfect setting for an impromptu horror movie clip. The kids all eagerly agreed.

Walking the campgrounds was beyond relaxing. The fresh air, chirping birds and subtle hint of field smoke was the perfect setting.

During the day these kids were all business. They could not wait to see the learn technique and take in as much as their imagination, and fingers could handle.

We stayed up late on the last night to watch the fire, make smores and tell a few ghost stories.

Thanks again to everyone! I hope to see you all next year!

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